Hale County Hospital’s: Hospital Corner

Here at Hale County Hospital, we are proud to offer top-notch pediatric services to our local community. We take pride in being able to provide care for our youngest and most vulnerable community members. As August is National Breastfeeding Awareness month, we wanted to use this opportunity to discuss the importance of breastfeeding and its...
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Avoid mosquito bites to prevent illness

The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) cautions the public about how important it is to prevent mosquito bites to protect yourself and your home environment. Mosquitoes carry viruses that can cause serious illness or death. Warm and rainy weather means more people get bitten by mosquitoes. One of the viruses carried by certain types...
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Sarah Margaret Zbinden Coley

Sarah Margaret Zbinden Coley of Uniontown, AL won her fight and went to live with Jesus on August, 17, 2023. She was born on July 9, 1949 as the second of six girls to George Louis and Sarah Jayne Worthy Zbinden. Growing up as a preacher’s child, Sarah had the opportunity to accept Christ at...
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Betty J. Thomas Mack

Betty J. Thomas Mack passed away on August 18. Viewing will be held on Friday, August 25, from 4:00 PM to 4:00 PM at Melvin Miller Funeral Chapel, located at 302 Pickens Street, Marion. The funeral service will take place on Saturday, August 26, at 12:00 PM at Melvin Miller Funeral Chapel. Interment will follow...
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Miller DeRamus

Miller DeRamus, 74, of Vincent, Alabama, passed away from a brief, but hard fought battle with brain cancer, on August 11, 2023. He was born on February 8, 1949 in Birmingham, Alabama. Miller was a caring, funny, and loving individual who brought joy to those around him. Miller had a passion for horses, hunting, and...
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Auburn’s Rural Studio celebrating 30 years in Hale

Auburn University Rural Studio is celebrating its 30th anniversary, marking three decades of commitment to rural living, community building, and innovative architectural education. The Studio’s focus on the interconnectedness of healthful rural living emphasizes the importance of affordable homeownership, access to fresh food, clean water, and reliable wastewater systems. Founded in 1993 by D.K. Ruth...
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